Thursday, June 4, 2009

Authoritative Nonsense: Professional and Creative Writing Exercise

1. Write a short paper (up to 1-2 pages) explaining or describing a topic about which you know nothing.

2. You can explain or describe a concept, how to do something, or how something works.

3. This piece should be written in an authoritative style - pretend that you are an expert on the subject. What you write can be completely ridiculous, but the tone and style must be serious, authoritative, and professional.

4. Do not do any research on the topic.

5. This exercise can be written in 15-20 minutes. However, more time can be spent writing, if desired.

The piece will probably be funny, if not absurd.

Although this is a creative writing exercise, it is particularly relevant to people who practice professional, academic, and scientific writing. It is an exercise in writing in an authoritative and convincing style - even if it is completely ridiculous. By divorcing the authoritative and professional writing style from a real subject requiring any expert knowledge, the writer is required to focus on the qualities of authoritative professional writing rather than being distracted by research, facts, and reality. Additionally, the creative aspect helps develop general writing skill.

Doing this exercise with a group of people is very funny and is also a good way to compare writing styles.

--Tariel Naxon

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic exercise, Tariel! It might be a fun icebreaker during the early stages of Group Project writing.
