Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tuesday, 5/26 Notes - continued from Kelli's previous post

Audience Need

Audience need is the most important decision you will make as a writer because it drives so many dimensions of the writing piece: word choice, emphasis, citations and sources etc. Different groups will be interested in different types of information. Audience will also dictate what type of examples the writer will use and conclusions drawn.

Audience Expectations

  • What information will move them [statistices, percentages, dollar figures]
  • So what? Why were they reading this? What was the call to action?
  • Action/desired outcomes?
  • What are the possibilities?
  • Are you recommending or simply informing?

How to get past writer’s block

There is no reason for writers block if you are an academic writer. Nothing new is being created, it is all right there. It is not a novel or poetry. Something depressing about writing a dissertation is that you are usually writing for a very limited audience (ie. you and your advisor).

People who have a consistent writing practice report more frequent experiences of inspiration. Writing is practice.

Setting goals in writing can be very helpful. Much of writing is a lot like filling out a form. Take it one paragraph, title, or section at a time and it will help to get things flowing. Often it can be easier to write about topics or in settings where you are not fully invested in the product. At work, with set times, writing can become easier if you set aside certain times when you know you do your best writing. If you write better in the earlier morning, reserve these times. Find a practice that works well for you, but remember that it is just a practice.

--Jordan Sager

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